Saturday, February 03, 2007

The Birds and the Bees

January 24, 2007

I am trying really hard to pay more attention these days. This is not an easy task for me as I am usually easily distracted. Now that it has sunk in that we will be leaving here forever in July, I have been trying to take it all in and remember each thing for what it is.

I love the solitude here. It is so peaceful. Just sitting, gazing out at the escarpment is amazing. Our next assignment will most likely be in a big city. It is entirely possible that our view will be cars, trucks, and smog. That’s quite a change from birds, baboons, and trees. I am trying to absorb it, allow it to permeate my being so that I can never forget. There are some things that are hard to capture; like the smell of the grass burning, the sound of the starlings or the weavers, the way a hornbill flies, or the way the village feels at night. I will miss each of these things.


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