Sunday, March 01, 2009

Hi Ho, Hi Ho

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Is it March already?

We’re finally back to working regularly. That’s good, except we had to have school yesterday to make up for some of the time we lost. I thought when I became a teacher that I had given up working on Saturdays, but apparently not.

Last weekend was Carnaval; we took a great trip to the mountains. That would be the Andes. We ventured out to a town called Sanare with some friends of ours. They are the parents of one of Zachary’s schoolmates. He is Danish and she is Nicaraguan. We did the whole thing by the seat of our pants. We had never been to this village before or the national park next to it. We confirmed that there was room at a nearby inn, but we went there sight unseen.

Despite the fact that it was pink, the hotel was pretty nice. We checked in and headed out for lunch and an afternoon in the park. It was the first time we have encountered naturalists here. We went to a trail to take a small hike and were greeted by some volunteers. They told us about the Andean bears that live there and introduced us to some of the flora. One of them guided us along the trail, talking about frogs and the forest while he did. At the end was a waterfall that turned out to be a dam. We played in the water for a while and then headed on back. There was a big green field where we kicked the ball around and listened to the birds. It was quite pleasant.
On our way back to the hotel we were detained by a parade through Sanare. We stopped and enjoyed the dancing, floats, and costumes. We wandered around, getting stared at as we did. We actually stayed in a little town next to Sanare called Palo Verde. We arrived there well after dark to discover that the restaurant was closed. The only food available was from the hot dog stand across the street. We sat outside with our meal and enjoyed each other’s company.
Monday found us stopping by the botanical gardens. This is a beautiful spot about two hours from our house. It’s a shame that it’s not closer as we would go there more often. We strolled through the gardens dodging sprinklers and enjoying the flowers. We also got to listen to the howler monkeys and watch them jump from tree to tree. We ate at the café and then headed home.
We had a good time. I was a little worried at first, traveling with folks we don’t really know that well, but it turned out great. It feels good to meet folks outside of work. As much as I enjoy their company, it gets tiring working and playing with the same people all of the time.

Now we’re back to the grind, counting the days until spring break. After that it’s a smooth slide to summer.



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