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Sunday, January 18, 2009
The first week of school has come and gone and oh what a week it was.
Monday afternoon we were called into the Director’s office and asked why we had not signed our commitment letter yet. We informed him that we intended to do so immediately. The next day we got an email from a school in Guatemala that had a potential Drama position for Carrie. We were sad to turn them down, but we are now officially committed to Valencia for one more year. For that, maybe we should be committed…
My kids came back refreshed and ready to go. I was amazed at how much they had retained. Their journal entries even indicate that they are happy to be back at school. For my part, I am glad to see them again. I like my students a lot; they are a good group of kids.
Yesterday we went to the beach. We journeyed there with some other teachers and the parents of one of Zachary’s school mates. It was fun, despite the traffic. We frolicked on Isla Larga, drank too much, and lazed in the water. I was reminiscing that only a scant three weeks ago I was sitting in the tattooists chair, squirming. It seems like a whole different world. When we are there it is real, when we are here, it is not.
Tomorrow we hand out report cards and welcome visitors from Georgia. These visitors will provide professional development opportunities over the course of the week, culminating in a conference in Caracas on Friday. We are looking forward to going, although we still don’t know what to do with Zachary.
Speaking of Zachary, he lost his first tooth this week. He was excited! He placed it under his pillow and rejoiced in the 10 B’s (~$2) the tooth fairy left him. He insisted that we go right away to the store so that he could purchase as many candy bars as possible (he got three).
Venezuela is gearing up for another referendum vote. It seems that Mr. Chavez really wants to eliminate term limits. So much so that he is asking for permission to do so for the second time. A special election will be held on February 15 to decide. This could mean that school gets closed down for a few days at that time. I am certain that things will be tense here in the days and weeks leading up to the vote. Already graffiti has appeared saying No Is No! Let’s hope that all goes well.
Other than that, life goes on here in VZ. The weather is cool and very pleasant, our friends are safe and happy, and we are living each day as it comes.
The first week of school has come and gone and oh what a week it was.
Monday afternoon we were called into the Director’s office and asked why we had not signed our commitment letter yet. We informed him that we intended to do so immediately. The next day we got an email from a school in Guatemala that had a potential Drama position for Carrie. We were sad to turn them down, but we are now officially committed to Valencia for one more year. For that, maybe we should be committed…
My kids came back refreshed and ready to go. I was amazed at how much they had retained. Their journal entries even indicate that they are happy to be back at school. For my part, I am glad to see them again. I like my students a lot; they are a good group of kids.
Yesterday we went to the beach. We journeyed there with some other teachers and the parents of one of Zachary’s school mates. It was fun, despite the traffic. We frolicked on Isla Larga, drank too much, and lazed in the water. I was reminiscing that only a scant three weeks ago I was sitting in the tattooists chair, squirming. It seems like a whole different world. When we are there it is real, when we are here, it is not.
Tomorrow we hand out report cards and welcome visitors from Georgia. These visitors will provide professional development opportunities over the course of the week, culminating in a conference in Caracas on Friday. We are looking forward to going, although we still don’t know what to do with Zachary.
Speaking of Zachary, he lost his first tooth this week. He was excited! He placed it under his pillow and rejoiced in the 10 B’s (~$2) the tooth fairy left him. He insisted that we go right away to the store so that he could purchase as many candy bars as possible (he got three).
Venezuela is gearing up for another referendum vote. It seems that Mr. Chavez really wants to eliminate term limits. So much so that he is asking for permission to do so for the second time. A special election will be held on February 15 to decide. This could mean that school gets closed down for a few days at that time. I am certain that things will be tense here in the days and weeks leading up to the vote. Already graffiti has appeared saying No Is No! Let’s hope that all goes well.
Other than that, life goes on here in VZ. The weather is cool and very pleasant, our friends are safe and happy, and we are living each day as it comes.
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