Monday, May 08, 2006

Questions, Questions, Questions

I read a book before nap time each day. I plan it this way, so that I too can rest after work, put my feet up, and retreat from the midday heat. I love to read to Zachary as he is a voracious listener and gets completely involved. He loves to “read” some things himself. He loves to spell out the words and tell the sounds he knows. He questions the text and questions the pictures. Such fun, even when we are pooped right before bedtime.

So I sit up with another chapter of Pooh, the heavy volume propped upon my chest, look out the window at the bright green tree laden with yellow mangos, hug my kiddo, and wonder if life can get much better than this!
I realize recently how much I help my child learn each day! It feels so good to be a part of this amazing growth. He is asking questions all the time. I answer each inquiry with as complete an answer as possible, or as complete as he has time for. Maybe that is in part why he continues to be so inquisitive. I like to think so!

His memory is long and he has an ear for detail. No word in his story books can be left out, no song shortened to save time. The ‘conversations’ we have at dinner include everything from visiting Playland in Rye, New York to the visit to see the boats (ferry) in Seattle with Aunt Marjorie and Aunt Nancy. He recounts each detail with pleasure maybe getting a bite swallowed in between. Zachary can sit on his daddy’s lap for long stretches watching the photos compiled of our journeys and of the people he knows and narrated as each goes by. I often wonder how much he will remember of this time, these African experiences. Perhaps with lots of photographs and dinner conversations, pieces of this part of his life will always stay with him and with us.



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