Wednesday, November 09, 2005

All Hail The Great Oz

November 8, 2005

It is difficult to explain the trials of living on a mine. Everything we do here is controlled and regulated. If I don’t like the house that I am in, I cannot simply move to a different one. I must apply for a housing transfer, justify my position, and wait for something to open up. If the mine decides to deny my request, there is nothing more to be done.

Carrie’s parents have expressed the desire to visit us here. For that there is paper work to be filled out, reservations to be made, and ultimately permission to be asked for. If the mine decides they cannot come, then they cannot come. This is not a lifestyle that most people are familiar with. Asking permission for such things is not something we are accustomed to doing.

It is not that we are being watched and controlled all the time, or that the folks at the mine are not fair minded. Housing exchanges happen with some regularity and Carrie’s parents have been given the green light. It is more the idea that we must ask for these things rather than just do them. Behind that is the idea that our entire life is dictated by politics. If you are friendly with the right people, your request is more likely to go through. This also means that one must be gracious and thankful when they get what they want. These are not traits that I have easily adopted.

Our internet here is provided by the mine. We have a LAN connection which is wired into the main server. We have unlimited access, but there are several hundred folks who have the same access. There are certain times during the day that are very difficult as most of those folks are trying to use the system as well. We had to change our email because hotmail is not easily accessible and there is not enough available bandwidth to use voice over internet services such as SKYPE. This is primarily due to the server. There are also certain web sites we are not allowed to access. There is a firewall as well as software that prevent us from going to select sites.

One of the sites that has recently been deemed inappropriate is At this moment I am able to read our blog, but I am unable to post anything. The screen tells me that is pornographic. I have emailed the necessary individuals, requesting access to the site, but there is no guarantee I will get what I want. If they decide that I don’t need to access that site, then I won’t be able to. As a result I will have to email my postings to someone else who can then paste them into the blog. Ultimately, there is nothing I can do about it. We are at the whim of those in charge. Raise your hand if you believe I am happy about that…

There is nothing to do but wait and hope. I thoroughly enjoy writing these entries. I have also come to believe that there are one or two folks out there who enjoy reading them. It is not only therapeutic for me; it helps me to feel connected with the outside world. Right now I am lost. I am completely helpless. I am forced to accept the decision of a third party. If I had no other reason for not continuing past my two year commitment, this would be enough.



Blogger Maureen said...

Keep posting Mark and Carrie!!!! Even if you have to ship it to another party to cut and paste!
Dam the Man! He will not completely control our doings...there is always a way. Ya mean you can't just grease a palm? Although it's a funny thought you being forced to "make nice" with people to get things (grin).

Luv ya,


8:21 PM  

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