Friday, September 09, 2005


September 7, 2005

On the second day here, we took in our laptop to get it configured. The IT guy then followed up by meeting us at the school so that he could get those machines set up for our use as well. The laptop said there was a wireless connection, but nothing happened when we tried to access it. There is also a LAN line in the house but that wouldn’t work either. I emailed the IT guy and was told that we didn’t have internet service at our house. We had resigned ourselves to the idea that we would have to go to school to do all of our emailing etc. I mentioned the situation to Reg and he suggested we email the head of the mine to resolve the problem. I didn’t really want to do that because I didn’t see any need in causing trouble so early in our tenure here. Reg insisted, so yesterday I took his advice and emailed the head of the mine. Today we have internet at our house!

After some cajoling and threatening emails to the lady in New York, we have also been informed that our packages should have arrived in Bamako today. Eight and a half weeks after leaving New York our things may actually be in the same country as us. We have not been able to confirm this rather unbelievable event, but we are currently holding our breath.

We are hoping now that the rain will let up this week so that we can get out to the Escarpment next weekend. That would be awesome. This time we have made plans with the parents of one of the first graders. It is safe to assume that we will not be toasting the expedition with tequila or beer, but we will enjoy the excursion nonetheless.

Overall a good day and a fine week. We even discovered that the “ice cream mix” available at the store is actually pretty tasty. It is safe to assume that we were more than a little skeptical about its merits. I was betting that it would turn out worse than the five dollar rum I bought, but it’s not so. We really enjoy the ice cream, whereas we refuse to finish the rum. You can only imagine how nasty the rum must be if I refuse to have anything more to do with it! We have saved the bottle in the pantry so as to remind us never to buy it again. Next we shall try the eight dollar bottle…


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